Love the above cute reminders! :)As I close my eyes and drift away to a land where there is love, health, peace, and blessings. I wanted to take the time to think and reflect. Education is not just about studying and learning about the field of education. Education involves every subject area from Art, dance, languages, sports, science, etcetera. Education involves all topics. The beauty of the K - 12 level is the fact that you get to see how students learn and grow through the trials and tribulations that arrive with growing up, or becoming mature. Learning is more than the subject matter, it is also about developing good social skills. This is what learning is all about, which is why many of the large organizations that are supporting education initiatives such as the World Bank, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, The World Trade Organization, United Nations, and other large institutions contributing to the Global development of Education, support life long learning skills. More and more organizations have, and are recognizing the benefits of life long learning skills. These are essential for job markets, or any career pathways students desire to take. So whilst we are teaching and learning, we must never diminish the purpose that we serve, because in a sense we are educating the future, the leaders, and the next care takers of the World, our Earth, and future populations. We can never de-emphasize what it means to engage in learning, and we can never de-emphasize what it means to attain essential life skills, and interactions with others. These could be learned from helping the elderly or disabled, helping friends with homework, or organizing your room daily to contribute to organizational skills, and even creativity.Dedication: The words of this human being are dedicated to young minds, may you learn the beauty of all this life has to offer. My thoughts to share with love & kindness! :)
As I close my eyes and drift away to a land where there is love, health, peace, and blessings. I wanted to take the time to think and reflect. The issue of the US/Mexico border wall is one that I have adamantly disagreed with, before and ever since the day President Trump has taken office. I am continuously saying that there has to be other ways of looking at this issue. As we see the devastating Earthquakes upon the Mexican people, as neighbours we are obliged to help, and gladly to say this was assistance was given. So we can lend a hand, but we must also borrow a hand. This is what reciprocal relations are all about. Now I'm not saying that we have to rely on others or become dependant upon them. I am saying that neighbourly relations must be maintained. What happens at borders becomes particularly blurry because the border lines are in fact adjoining points of two countries. This is true of any countries that are joined together through the lines of borders. So the irony here is that even though there is a border that is to divide nations, the border is also a meeting point for two (in this case) nations. What happens at these borders is the responsibility of both countries. Even if border walls were built, will trade stop? Will there be prevention or crime, cartels, or people escaping harsh circumstances? How will this affect families as well? The border wall is something that I do continue to oppose, along with the recent announcement of the DACA program. I continue to support everyone impacted with this announcement, and hope that pathways are left open for Dreamers to dream the American Dream. This is in essence what learning is all about. We have a ton of knowledge, but until that knowledge is not put into any practice is does not serve a purpose. So how do we navigate knowledge, or what we know from becoming stale? We have to use what we know and apply this to our daily living, make what you know a part of daily life experience. Even when we are in a period of waiting, this period should not be a time of frustration, but really a time of preparation. The waiting is also a testing of personal character, and even patience. In this sense the same can be said of leadership. A family is a micro - cosm of a collective. A family shares joy's, happiness, sadness, grief, and a family should share one another's mistakes together. When we share each others mistakes, it is not to cover up or say that this or that is ok. It is to say and acknowledge that there were mistakes, and as a family we will work through these together. This philosophy reveals the idea of not giving up on each other. Dedication: The words of this human being are dedicated to all human beings, let us share love, let us also share forgiveness. My thoughts to share with love & kindness! :)
As I close my eyes and drift away to a land where there is love, health, peace, and blessings. I wanted to take the time to think and reflect.
ShaziaOur thoughts, to invite and inspire. With Love & kindness. :) Archives
November 2019