I would like to take the time to thank you for visiting my personal site. It was once said "To live a creative life we must loose our fear of being wrong." This thought truly does touch my heart, because the truth is when we decide to think, reflect and create at the level of the cusp, at the point of the unknown, it is at this point we have to loose our fears, to walk in the waters of the unknown. My thoughts are simply a reflection of this.
Committed To Love This is my personal blog page where I will share my thoughts, to simply inspire and invite.
Arts / Poetry Without art and poetry in my life, I simply feel a sense of rawness, incomplete. This page is dedicated to my love of arts. Creativity is beautiful, art forms inspire, allow us to see, think, and feel. Arts and poetry to simply inspire, to simply invite.
Shazi ~ Art Journal Inspired from the original diary of Frida Kahlo, that covered 10 years of her life story from 1944 - 1954.When words are tangled and cannot express themselves, remind yourself that there is so many avenues for creative expression. I really like the idea of having an art journal. The beauty of this is that the art does not have to be understood, or have any specific meaning, it is a creation that is derived from a single moment. Committed For Love ~ Books This page provides readers with links to my online publications
Quotes I tend to spend much time thinking, I have come to realize that thinking is truly an art form. My quotes are simply thoughts that are derived from my journey of life. Simply to inspire and invite.
Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. For interest with regards to my teaching, learning and profile, please visit: with love and kindness. To view my work in the classroom setting please visit: our community of learning.